Shogun - Organic Premium Matcha Green Tea Powder - Natural Farming - 4oz Pack - Made in Taiwan (Premium Grade)

$13.85 | Buy Now

Our Premium selection is an entry level to Shogun Matcha. It has a refreshing taste, although it may be just a little bit more astringent and bitter compared with our higher grades of matcha. However, it is already a higher quality Matcha compare to the others. Shogun Matcha is a high quality matcha grown in Taiwan on tea plantations located in high altitude mountains. These plantations are situated from 300 meters to 700 meters above sea level, and the tea produced is smoother, richer, and more fragrant than tea produced at lower altitudes. These advantages include abundant sunlight and sufficient rainfall that promote healthy growing, rich soil, and an extreme temperature difference between night and day that naturally prevent insects and pests. In addition, Taiwan is strict about enforcing pesticide-free regulations - in fact, the allowable pesticide levels in food grown in the country are just 1/10 of those in Japan. This ensures that Shogun Matcha tea is genuinely organic and grown without harmful chemicals.
While it is commonly believed that the best matcha comes from Japan, the Fukushima Incident in 2011 has increased concerns that radioactivity in the soil could contaminate agricultural products grown in the country. Thus, a lot of people believe that Japanese matcha is no longer the best choice in the market and are looking for alternatives. Although matcha is also grown in China, the quality is questionable because of the serious pollution problem in the country. Taiwan matcha is becoming more popular among discerning tea buyers since it is grown under superior conditions that ensure there are no harmful chemicals that could affect the health of drinkers.Energy Booster, Increase Your Mood, Focus, and Concentration
Lower Cholesteral, Block Fat, and Burns More Calories
High Quality Premium Matcha Powder. This Item Is Not Culinary Grade. Please Always Seal The Bag & Keep Refrigerated. It Is Highly Recommended To Finish Within 1 Month.
Maximum Potency Antioxidant Nutrients. About 137 Times More Than Brewed Green Tea. Grown & Produced In High Mountain Area In Taiwan, Free From Pollution and Radiation
Organic Matcha with Natural Farming Skills. Free From Pesticides and Radiation.

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